Fast, Effective & Professional. CCSA Collect Debts Australia Wide. Low Commission. Results Based Only.


No matter what kind of business you're in, there are always going to be some customers who don't or won't pay their bills. You send invoices that aren't paid and make calls that aren't answered. Or maybe you just hear excuses.
At some point, most companies turn to a collection agency for help. Collection agencies specialize in recovering debts that are past due — typically by 60 days or more. They rely on various forms of communication to reach customers and persuade them to pay, including phone calls, letters and emails.
To us it doesn't matter where your debtor is located in Australia we are there to assist you in getting your hard earned money back in your bank where it belongs.
Credit Collection Services Australia is a wholly owned and operated Australian company with our head office located on the Gold Coast.
With over 30 years’ experience in collecting those problem debts Credit Collections are here to help collect your debts fast and efficiently and if we don't collect - you don't pay a cent for our services.
If you have a problem debt we recommend that you call us now for a chat on 1300 884 641 or send us an enquiry >>> and we will attend to it immediately.