If you are engaging a contractor to perform work for you make sure that prior to committing yourself that you check out their Australian Business Number (ABN) to ensure that they have the required registrations e.g. ABN, GST Status and How Trading.
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If your contractor is a company it would be wise to check out their bona fides with ASIC before contracting them, again, taking particular note of their required registrations e.g. ABN, GST Status, Company Registration Status and any other business names that they conduct.
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Should a contractor not supply you with an ABN number care should be taken to ensure that Withholding Tax of 49% is deducted from your payment to the contractor and shown at W4 on your next Business Activity Statement in accordance with Australian Taxation Law. If this situation occurs we suggest that you click here for answers from the ATO.
If you're unsure about this question please give your tax accountant a call.
Other Tips & Links
In Australia most States and Territories have a Civil and Administrative Tribunal. The links below are provided for your information and understanding and show the maximum civil claim amount allowable without the need for legal representation.
In no way do we suggest that you proceed with a claim without contacting us first because our agents are well versed with the required documentation and procedures in all locations and are here to help you.
Select your State or Territory from the following list to view your Tribunal's website information.
Click on your State or Territory
Maximum Tribunal Claim Amount
Useful tips and links that will assist our clients with tribunal claims